If you want to read The Reconstitution in full, click here.
If you just want the highlights, click here.
To re-watch the intro video, click here.
We are grateful for all contributions to The Reconstitution.
Financial contributors can choose to receive:
A tax-deductible donation receipt (for any amount).
A printed First Edition copy of The Reconstitution (for at least $17.76).
A printed First Edition & a bumper sticker (for at least $37); or
A printed First Edition, a bumper sticker, and a puffy notebook (at least $177.60)
We are also grateful for those who contribute their time to The Reconstitution.
Specifically, we are looking to fill the following roles (unpaid… for now!):
Social Media Manager
Video Editor/Producer
Web Designer
Web Developer
Upcoming Constitutional Conversations
Join the conversation by participating in Constitutional Conversations hosted by the Framers
to discuss, refine, and perfect each proposed Amendment of the Reconstitution.
Special Edition (Details Forthcoming)
October 6, 2022 | 8PM EST
Simul-Streaming on:
Twitter, Instagram Live, Facebook Live, YouTube Live, & TikTok Live
We all agree:
Politics has become divisive.
We can fix this by:
Reframing political identity.
You can read the text of our proposed 29th Amendment (Amendment 2 of The Reconstitution) here.
Declare Political Independence
Become a Signer. Join the Conversation.
“We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.”
- Falsely Attributed to Thomas Jefferson, but true nonetheless.