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To re-watch the intro video, click here.
The Reconstitution is
a national conversation...
We the People need to sit down and have a conversation.
In another era, this might be a small feat, but today our politics have become a war between opposing teams. Many have lost trust, most have lost hope, and we’ve all lost patience.
…about how to form
a more perfect union...
But every breakdown is an opportunity for a breakthrough — including this one. We are in the midst of a period of great instability. This will not be solved by debate and compromise.
We must move from merely researching issues to searching our souls for the ideals we believe in, the values we stand for, and the world we want to envision.
…and restore faith in the American Dream.
This is not the first time in our history that we have faced such a divide. We survived. We thrived. Our best years were still ahead of us in 1865. We amended. We stumbled. We amended… again.
The conversations ahead will ask us to declare independence from the political party establishment and renew our commitment to self-reliance, political independence, and the Constitution itself.
"I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and Constitutions. But laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civil society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."
- Thomas Jefferson (July 12, 1816)